If you’re looking for a way to re-purpose other’s content/articles for your need, Incises.com is the ultimate tool. With Incises.com, you can add a custom call to action to any web page, regardless of whether you own the site or not. This can be a great way to promote your product or service, as well as generate leads and customers. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use Incises.com to its full potential.
(Image Suggestion: A customer is browsing through a web page, and they come across a custom call to action that they’re interested in. They click on it, and they’re taken to a page with more information about the product or service.)
How To Add Custom Calls To Action To Your Web Pages
Incises.com is a tool that allows you to add custom calls to action to any web page on the internet. For example, take any article on Entrepreneur and paste the URL of the article into Incises.com. Choose the already designed Call-To-Action and click “Shorten it”. That’s it, your link is ready to serve you with leads and traffic.
To design, a call to action, go to “Call-To-Action Designs” and choose between a button, image, coupon, newsletter, contact form, or text link call to the action type. Watch the preview of the call to action design and customize the brand name, color, image, etc.
Creativity is key when creating your CTA links! For instance, instead of sending someone straight down a sales funnel with a button click, why not have them sign up for your email list? You could also offer exclusive content or discount codes if they follow through with clicking your button/link.
Adding calls to action is a great way to increase traffic to your web pages, and can be customized in many ways. For example, you could offer exclusive content or discount codes if someone follows through with clicking your button/link. You could also sign someone up for your email list as an alternative way of promoting your content. Whatever the case may be, creativity is key when it comes to creating CTA links!

Using Social Media To Promote Your Product Or Service
Product or service promotion can be enhanced through the use of a custom call to action. This can be done by leveraging existing content, adding a caption, and then posting on social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and forums. Promotions will result in more leads and customers being brought in contact with your brand identity. They have even gone a step further to give an automatic option with RSS Feed.
To create a successful call to action, it is important to first understand the target audience. Who are they? What are their interests? Once this information is known, various posts can be made to appeal to that demographic.
For example, if a company sells an Email SaaS and wants to promote its product on social media, it would post articles about how or what you can achieve with emails and what it can do for the user. Or it can be related to webmasters and SEO to target the users indirectly. They could also add a hashtag or caption that includes keywords related to email to attract people who are also looking for information about email services.
Once content has been created and posted, it is important to monitor how it is being received by users.
Are people engaging with the post?
Are they clicking through on links?
Are they signing up for newsletters or email lists?
Tracking these data points will help determine where future efforts should be directed. In addition, responding to comments and feedback from followers can encourage them not just towards purchasing your product but also to promote it online.

Sharing Your Content On Different Forums Can Help Generate More Leads And Customers
When it comes to generating leads and customers, there are several different forums you can share your content with. By sharing your content on multiple forums, you can reach a wider audience and generate more leads and customers.
The first forum you should share your content on should be directly related to the niche article belongs to. This is because most of your target audience is already present on those forums. Sharing the article (or its content with them) with make interested folks visit your call-to-action banner and flow directly into your funnel.
Next, consider sharing your content on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. By doing this, you can reach a larger audience quickly and easily. Not only will this help generate more leads through social media traffic, but it also helps build relationships with potential customers.
Finally, consider sharing your content on other websites that focus on specific topics or industries. For example, if you are in the business of marketing then you should share your content on sites like BuzzSumo or SocialTriggers. This will allow you to reach an even wider audience and increase the chances of generating leads and customers from this exposure.
To Wrap Up
As you can see, Incises.com is an amazing tool that allows you to add custom calls to action to any web page on the internet.
By doing this, you can increase traffic to your web pages and generate more leads and customers.
So what are you waiting for? Start using Incises.com today!